How Long Does Drywall Mud Take To Dry?

One of the questions we often hear is, “How long does it take for drywall mud to dry?” After all, many businesses and homeowners want to resume their lives after having plasterboard installed or repaired, so knowing what to expect can certainly be helpful.


The truth is that the drying time for various types of hot mud drywall will vary. In general, all-purpose mud will take roughly 24 hours to dry, while quickset drywall mud can take anywhere from 5 to 90 minutes to set.


It’s important to also keep in mind that various factors will also influence the drying time, so it’s best to check with your mudding contractor to find more precise estimates of drying times.

Innovation Drywall of Edmonton (QP - Drywall Mud)

Innovation Drywall of Edmonton (QP - Drywall Mud)

How to Make Drywall Mud Dry Faster

If you are hoping to speed up the joint compound drying time, here are a few tips and tricks that you can try: 

1.    Add Water


Add a little water to the drywall mud mixture to thin it down. Applying a thinner layer of hot drywall mud facilitates quicker moisture evaporation and accelerates the drying process.


2.    Reduce the Number of Coats


In addition, how many coats of drywall mud you apply will also impact the drying time, so to reduce the overall time required, we recommend applying fewer coats.


3.    Make Sure There’s Good Airflow


We are often asked, “Will a fan help drywall mud dry faster?” The answer is yes!


Improve the airflow in the space by opening windows, utilizing fans, or turning on dehumidifiers to increase ventilation. Moving air aids in removing moisture from the mud, reducing the drywall mud dry time.


4.    Go for Quick-set Drywall Mud


One of the most efficient ways to improve the overall time required for the mud to dry is to choose fast drying drywall compound instead of something like Marco mud. That’s because quick-set drywall mud is specially designed to reduce the overall drying time, which makes it a more reliable option if saving time is essential.


Most importantly, talk to your contractor to learn more about how long to let the joint compound dry before sanding to prevent any mishaps and the need for costly repairs if you do not allow the mud enough time to dry.  

Want to Know More About Drywall Mud? We Are Happy to Help!

The truth is that the drying time for both hot drywall mud and quick-set mud will vary depending on the manufacturer, the weather, and more.


This is why to learn more about the joint compound dry time for a particular project; it’s best to speak to your drywaller, who can give you a more accurate idea of what to expect.


Innovation Drywall of Edmonton is here to help provide more information. Get in touch with us today, and let’s get started with your next sheetrock project!

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